Jostock Dental 38951 Ryan Rd
Sterling Hts, MI 48310
Phone: (586) 978-8233
Fax: (586) 978-8516

Jostock Dental P.L.L.C. has taken a leap in communications to the twenty-first century. They have incorporated a new state of the art computer software system that offers the convenience of confirming your dental appointments in one simple click! This new system, Demandforce, emails or text messages you prior to your scheduled appointments and even sends you a reminder if your overdue for a teeth cleaning. A simple “yes” reply confirms your appointment in the book saving you a phone call.

In the era of a technology based world, the use of smart-phones, daily checking of email, and the ease of merging appointments onto a virtual calendar has made this system very user friendly to a variety of patients at Jostock Dental. A reminder email or text message is sent out two weeks prior to your upcoming appointment, just as the postcards have come through the mail for many years. This gives you a chance to verify the date and time of your appointment, allowing you to make any necessary changes. A few days prior to the scheduled appointment you are sent a confirmation email or text message, asking you to confirm the appointment. This may be a new spin on the confirmation calls you are used to receiving, however in this technology age the convenience of simply replying to an email or text message is much easier and a time saver. This way you don’t need to check your voicemail and return a phone call.

Demandforce also offers the option to schedule appointments online, reschedule missed appointments quickly, and give feedback on visits to the office. This allows you to email the office convenient times for needed appointments and gives the office staff a chance to respond to you quickly. Also, if you are on a “call list” Demandforce will promptly email you when an appointment becomes available, allowing you a chance to get into the office as soon as possible. And yes, for those of you who want to be called for your appointments the friendly staff at Jostock Dental will do that too. If you have any questions regarding Demandforce, please call our office today.

Get in touch with us today!

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